
Nigerian senate delegation commiserates with Nasarawa State

A delegation of Nigeria’s upper legislative chamber, the Senate, has visited Nasarawa state to commiserate with the people over the recent communal clashes in the state. Addressing the delegation that was led by the Deputy Senate President, Senator Ibrahim Mantu in his office on Friday, July 6, 2001, Governor Adamu said the visit was very symbolic to the people of Nasarawa State at this time. Governor Adamu used the occasion to restate his commitment to making Nasarawa state the home of every Nigeria. Governor Adamu stated that the constitution of Nigeria which he swore to protect, granted every Nigerian the right to live and conduct his affairs in any place of his choice.

Governor Adamu stated that every leader should endeavour to live above parochial sentiments in order to sustain our nascent democracy and in doing this, some of them may find their positions threatened. He thanked the Benue State government for the support it has given in this trying period and praised the traditional rulers of the area for calming the tense situation.

Speaking earlier, Deputy Senate President and leader of the delegation stated that the senate had carefully followed the unfortunate crisis that befell the state and came to a conclusion that Governor Adamu was a man of peace. Senator Mantu took particular notice of the radio and television broadcast by Governor Adamu and stated that the broadcast was a pride to all peace loving Nigerians.

Senator Mantu called on all Nigerians to learn to live together in peace in-order to enjoy the dividends of democracy and for governments to be able to concentrate on developmental programmes. He commended the rate of development in Nasarawa state since the return of democracy and said Nasarawa state had done more than all states in Northern Nigeria giving it lean resources.

The upper chamber, Senator Mantu said, had passed a resolution asking the Federal government to assist the state in returning the displaced people to their places of abode.

Accompanying Senator Mantu in the delegation were Senators Daniel Saror, J.K.N. Waku and Davou Zang.



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