By Gabriel Aboshi
IT is not often that one rolls out the drums to celebrate a birthday, but for a man like Governor Abdullahi Adamu, attaining 60 years of age deserves compliments and celebration.
This is so because Adamu has devoted a large chunk of his life to the service of humanity and has impacted positively on the lives of many. Without being immodest, the amiable governor has become a rallying point in the quest for true nationhood. It is no longer in contention that Adamu, in his private and public lives, remains one of the nations icons, patriots and nationalists.
In words and deeds, he has shown that his love for his fatherland remains unshaken and untainted. One does not need to go too far to unveil the fact that Adamu’s outstanding service to humanity began at a youthful age. However, his love for a better Nigeria climaxed in 1999 when he was elected as the governor of Nasarawa State. Since then, Adamu has not relented in his determination and commitment to a life of service to his state in particular, and Nigeria in general. Let it be echoed here that as Adamu turns 60 years, his towering personality and life of service transcends Nasarawa State.
He has, through his figurehead role in the polity become more of a statesman and nationalist than just a governor. He has inched himself into national and international relevance. As a true and committed statesman who religiously believes in and is committed to a united and virile Nigeria. Adamu has remained resolute about the quality of leadership the country needs. Even at the risk of being called unprintable names by political opponents and arch-conservatives, Adamu stood his grounds in 2003 that an Obasanjo presidency was the best that Nigeria needed. He refused to be bought over or to tow the narrow path of tribal jingoists or religious zealots who wanted Obasanjo out of power because of his ethnicity and religion.
Adamu through his support for Obasanjo’s re-election dwarfed his contemporaries and emerged as a nationalist and statesman who refused to yield to selfish pressures from the North to dump the president. Adamu defended his conviction that his support for Obasanjo was guided by patriotic motives rather than self-serving considerations. As a democrat, Adamu has become a rallying point in the quest for the sustenance of the nation’s nascent democracy. At the heat of the controversial Electoral Act and the PDP many internal strifes, Adamu played very decisive roles in dousing tension. He has continued to echo to all who care to listen that Nigeria’s democracy needs to be nurtured through compromises and a live-and-let-live philosophy. He put forward reasoned arguments that Nigerians must protect the newly won independence and must not allow enemies of democracy to have the last laugh. Adamu marches his words with action, he is not the typical politician who relishes in rhetoric. He goes all out to reach his goal through the sheer force of conviction and commitment. As a defender of democracy, when he was the chairman of the Governors Forum, Adamu was able to forge a bond of friendship and unity among his colleagues. Then, he harmonised diverse opinions and interests, which were future time bombs ready to explode. For instance, he was able to douse the tension generated by the Electoral Act and the contiguous issue of council chiefs tenure.
Such explosive issues needed to be handled with tact and maturity which only an astute statesman and leader can manage without heightening tension. Adamu, through experience, patriotism and diplomacy was able to strike a consensus on the issues among his colleagues.
Even in the PDP where so many conflicting interests jostle for relevance, Adamu has played a leading role in bringing every group under the big party umbrella. As a founding father of the party, he became a cornerstone in the PDP’s many trouble-shooting missions. Adamu was central to the peace brokered during the 2002 primaries. He persuaded his co governors, especially from the North, on the need to support Obasanjo’s re-election to ensure continuity. Moreover, Adamu played a key role in reuniting the party through appealing to many who felt marginalised and left, to return to the PDP fold. At all times, the future of the PDP continues to be Adamu’s main concern and he has played key roles in the quest for a united, strong and progressive PDP.
No wonder, from the North, South, East and West, Adamu has become a household name within the party. Adamu has also demonstrated this live ––and-lets live philosophy in his Nasarawa State. He preaches the gospel of accommodation, tolerance and mutual co-existence for all Nigerians irrespective of tribe or religion.
In Nasarawa State, he runs an open door administration anchored on the maxima of ‘equal rights and opportunities.’ Believing that Nasarawa is a rainbow state with diverse ethnic nationalities, Adamu operates and makes no pretension that every indigene occupies a prime place in the scheme of things. Adamu demonstrated that he remains a patriot and nationalist during the many communal clashes that engulfed the state before 2003. He refused to take sides with those who wanted him to taint his loyalty to a particular ethnic group. For instance, he stood his grounds during the Egbura, Bassa clashes that the state belongs to all and that everyone should live in peace and true brotherhood. He therefore worked assiduously to ensure enduring peace and unity in the state.
To Adamu’s credit, the diverse peoples of Nasarawa State today live as one entity where love, peace and harmony reign supreme. Also, Adamu has been able to achieve that social cohesion in the state through ensuring justice, equity, fairplay and the provision of basic infrastructure. His administration since inception in 1999 has given the state indigenes a new sense of belonging and commitment in terms of amenities, job creation and political patronage. It is beyond contention that despite its lean purse and infancy, Nasarawa State through prudent management of resources, has gradually be transformed from a backward, disunited state to a progressive, peaceful and investment-friendly one.
Adamu’s remarkable achievements have become apparent and are yielding dividends. He has continued to be honoured for his unique services both nationally and internationally. From the four corners of the globe, Adamu is seen as a committed nationalist whose love for Nigeria is unparalleled. And Adamu’s robust place in history is evident judging from the honours he has garnered to his kitty. Early last year, he was conferred with the title of Aare Obateru of the Source by the Oni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuawade.
He has equally received such honours from the North and East. Still, outside the traditional circles, institutions of higher learning both in Nigeria and abroad have acknowledged Adamu’s superlative performance. Many conferred on him honourary doctorate degrees. All these honours are confirmation of the governor’s large heartedness and positive contributions to national development.
Adamu as the then Minister of State for Works under the Gen. Sani Abacha, worked tirelessly for the completion of the Ibadan-Ife road. He ensured that the road was completed and commissioned without a feeling that the dual carriageway is not located in his geo-political zone. His action and commitment towards the completion of the road marked him out as a selfless patriot and statesman. In terms of friendship across the country, Adamu stands top as a bridge builder. He has been able to cultivate friends from all nooks and cranny. As a nationalist and patriot, he has built lasting relationships, which transcend religion and ethnicity.
Both the rich, the poor, Moslems, Christians Igbo, Yoruba, Efik, Tiv, etc flock round him like bees to honey. As Adamu celebrates his 60th birthday, it is expedient to echo that a man of such robust pedigree cannot be unsung. He has become a role model for future generations to take lessons in humility, service, fortitude and perservance. Adamu at 60 remains a source of inspiration and a ray of hope in the quest for national redemption.
Without being immodest, Governor Adamu has paid his dues as a nationalist and statesman. And as we wish him many more years of fruitful leadership to the nation, we know the time is ripe for him to step forward for higher national responsibilities. Now is the time!
Posted to the Web by Vanguard: Friday, July 21 2006